Showing posts with label My Son. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Son. Show all posts

Monday, July 28, 2008

Beating the Heat. . .Waterslide Style

I bought Bryson a slide from a neighbor who was having a garage sale; I think he likes it.
You be the judge: (Prepare yourself for photo overload. . .I had a hard time picking my favorite.)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Love-y Trifecta?

My son has an a strange attachment (and why wouldn't he? his mommy made it) to a certain pillow, pronounced pi -LL-ow (too much emphasis placed on the l's). He will not under any circumstances let anyone hold it, lay on it or be in the surrounding area of his beloved pillow. He is often found carrying it around like rappers once carried boom boxes. Let's take a look at that comparison here:

Do you see the resemblance? He also has two other love-ys. One kitty (sadly pronounced "tiddy") and one giraffe. Poor kitty has gone through some hard times. . .My friend, Lisa

so kindly pointed out to Bryson that the kitty has cataracts. You see, kitty has gone through the washer so many times now, for various reasons (namely nasty bodily fluids, say no more right?) that her eyes have gotten hazy and chipped. Therefore looking very much like cataracts. Lisa tried to get him to say "kitty has cataracts" so many times it has now stuck. Bryson doesn't let me forget it. He often stares into kitty's eyes saying "cataracts, mommy." So sad.

Also in the group is beloved giraffe. Where one is, the others are not far behind. This is how Bryson looks many times at our house. Pretty cute if you ask me.

So there you have it: The Love-y Trifecta. How sweet.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Could he be growing up?

The following (short) conversation happened this morning. . .it is wonderful for 2 reasons. . .

Me: Bryson, (pause to listen)Do you want breakfast?
B: Nope, nope, nope . . . I'm busy.
Me: (jaw dropped, can hardly believe what is happening)

Let me explain:
For as long as I can remember, Bryson does NOT turn down a morssel of food for any reason. EVER.
For as long as I can remember, Bryson does NOT play unattended for any period of time, especially not in another room where mommy cannot be seen.

The Praise poured out of my mouth. God hears even the smallest of prayers and hears them the first time they are uttered. Bryson played happily and contently for 25 minutes!!! Oh happy day!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dancing in the Rain

I was desperate today. . .we have been home most of the week during the day. I had just gotten Bryson dressed and ready for a bike ride when. . .it started sprinkling. . . no biggie. . .I let him walk around in the small sprinkles with his lawn mower. Then, the BIG rain came. . .and I figured why not. Bryson had a GREAT time playing in the rain, while I stayed under the shelter of the garage.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Working at the Car Wash

Bryson's recent obsession is car washes "tar washes." Here are some pics of him washing Mommy's "tar" with daddy.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Makes My Heart Happy

Last week, I decided to step up the discipline with Bryson. He had been doing SO well with gaining self-control and apologizing. Adam and I were ready for him to do some serious play time on his own. He had learned to do that for the most part in our apartment up in PA, but the place was so small, he could see us in just about every room from the living room. Now that we are home, that is no longer the case. If I am in the kitchen cooking or in the bathroom getting dressed he feels all alone and the scream-fest would be ON. He was able to gain self control, but as soon as I told him to go play again, he would get upset again.

Gates went up and doors got locked so Bryson would stay in the Living Room with all the toys. We spent 5 days Monday-Friday gaining more and more success as the days went on. The first day, he screamed for upwards of 3 hours I think. I gave him the option to play or scream in the pac-n-play. When he chose scream, off to the pac-n-play he went. We did that over and over until he finally played alone for 5 minutes. WHEW! That was a day. The days continued like that, but I saw improvement each day, where he was playing with me out of sight for longer and longer periods of time.
Saturday was rough, because Adam was home. A new dynamic during the day, but we stayed with the same plan.
And, Monday. . .it happened!!! We had the ultimate test. I had a drs. apt scheduled for the afternoon, but the office called and changed the apt on me. I had to be on the phone changing all my plans for the day and get dressed in a hurry, because we had to be out of the house in 45 minutes. Bryson didn't even flinch. He let me run around the house like a crazy mommy while he played perfectly contently on the floor for the entire morning. What a BLESSING. I was praising God all morning, giving GOD all the glory. He is so good and faithful.
Here are some pics I was able to capture of my almost 2 year old playing all alone. It makes my heart happy!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

By the way. . .

We are HOME! We have been for one week. Bryson was such a joy on the airplane ride home. God is so faithful in answering prayer. My parents met us at the airport. It was so nice spending time with them and I know they enjoyed seeing just how BIG Bryson has been getting.

I got to go to my church and I enjoyed it soooo much. Adam arrived on Sunday afternoon. It was nice to have us all home again. It was just so normal. . .all of us here in Jacksonville like we never left. Our time in PA just flew by and now it just seems like it was an extended vacation or something. . . for me at least. Adam was the one who had to work. . .

Our box of stuff arrived on Tuesday, or was it Wednesday?? It has been a good opportunity to clean up and clean out our house. I haven't allowed anything in that I didn't need or want. We have made 2 Goodwill trips. That feels wonderful!

Since getting home, we have acquired a Wii along with Guitar Hero. Thanks to Zach and Missy,our new friends from the north, this is something Adam just had to have and it is so much fun and just slightly addicting. . . I have improved so much since my first time playing. In the background I hear Adam playing the shooting game on the Wii and he is saying "Oh MAN! I am the master of this game!" HA!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

To Scream or Not to Scream. . .

I think my son needs to do some re-prioritizing in his life.

Twice this week during his nap (oh, blessed nap time), he has awakened to fitful screaming at the top of his lungs as if someone was coming after him with a knife. I rush in to see how I can be assistance only to find he is holding his sock high in the air screaming "SOCK, SOCK!" Of course I rush to his aid and immediately return the offending sock. He then is able to go back to sleep. PTL!

However, I go to get him out of the bed yesterday morning, only to step in some very cold, squishy. . . something. . .YUCK. B stands up holding something dark saying ever so matter of factly. . ."poop." Ummmm. . .that isn't poop. My child had at some point during the night thrown up and promptly gone back to sleep without the slightest whine nor whimper. . . How can that be?