Thursday, September 10, 2009

Got Milk?

Last time I wrote, I was sad, down, depressed, sorry I was saying good-bye to nursing. Well, things have changed. My dr prescribed Reglan (after making me take a PREGNANCY TEST!!! That was scary and a whole 'notha story.) Reglan is actually an acid reflux medication that has a side-effect of increased milk in nursing mommies. Wierd? Yes...Working? Yes...I won't say that my milk is back to what it was, but I am still able to nurse at night and through out the day while still supplimenting a little with formula. Good-enough for me! I am happy with that for now and also feeling relieved that my once 4 month old, 13 lb baby is now a quite healthy 5 month old, 17 lb baby! I know, I just heard you gasp. It is crazy. She is in fact a chunky little monkey. So sweet with so many rolly polly ollies...Love it!


Christa said...

Yippee! So happy to read this.

Natalie said...

I took the same medication and it worked for me as well!!! Glad that you found a solution!! PTL!

Amanda Barefoot said...

yay for lactation!!! and i've seen that baby an she is rolly and delicious!

Anonymous said...

awesome!!! glad it worked :)

One Happy Momma said...

Happy for you Holly!
Can't wait to see you and the kids again! Are you available next week?