Monday, June 2, 2008

She beat me to it!

Here is a recap of our day today. Oh what fun it was to ride. . .7 miles!!! Check it out. . .

I love Cilla, she is such a fun friend. Boy, she can make me laugh.


One Happy Momma said...

I had so much fun today! Yes do it again soon...but not too soon!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a great day. Joshua and I were at the pool all morning with another little friend. Not quite as active as a 7 mile bike ride, but you know there is only so much movement at 8 months pregnant!


One Happy Momma said...

I happen to personally know that ALOT has happened between this nbike ride and the present date. So where is the new blogs woman???

Your adoring fans demand a new blog!

Emily said...

I agree with your friend blog please!!! What is going in in the life of my Holly friend????