Follow this link to great babysitter insight. I remember all of this from babysitting myself and it is great to be reminded.
Chatting at the Sky She has several installments. . .check 'em all out.
so kindly pointed out to Bryson that the kitty has cataracts. You see, kitty has gone through the washer so many times now, for various reasons (namely nasty bodily fluids, say no more right?) that her eyes have gotten hazy and chipped. Therefore looking very much like cataracts. Lisa tried to get him to say "kitty has cataracts" so many times it has now stuck. Bryson doesn't let me forget it. He often stares into kitty's eyes saying "cataracts, mommy." So sad.
Also in the group is beloved giraffe. Where one is, the others are not far behind. This is how Bryson looks many times at our house. Pretty cute if you ask me.