Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Gift of Peace

We are juggling so much, you'd think we were clowns in a circus. Right now, Adam is contemplating a new job for which he has received an offer, our house is on the market with a contract on the table, we have put money down on land and a house to build, and we are praying for a new baby. With all that going on one would assume we are stressed beyond stressed. But, I am thanking God, for a gift that surpasses human understanding; that gift is PEACE! Amist all that is going on, Adam and I are truly experiencing a supernatral peace. Most days, I can go about my business as if nothing is changing, because I can rest in the fact that God has it in control. Worrying is not going to add one second to my day. I'm not going to lie, somedays my flesh and my spirit battle it out, but praise God, my spirit wins! John 14:27 says I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid. Ain't it the truth! Peace of mind is the best gift of all.

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